Here's A Self-Trust Guided Audio Ritual!

If you've spend WAY too time trying to make sure nothing "bad" happens in life, or meticulously calculating every possible outcome and have a game plan for it all, or feel that fear every single time something good happens that the other shoe is gonna drop and something is going to come and destroy it.... This is for you.

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Ceremony, Tools, and Tips for The Spring Equinox

Welcome, my sweet one, to a new dawn. We’ve been in the throws of watery and emotional Piscean energy, and some other tricky transits. The depths of our souls have been illuminated, old wounds have been unearthed, our emotions have all over the place, heaviness and confusion was around us, and now that time is over. Take a deep breath, my love, you have made it!

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A Winter Solstice Guided Ritual + Playlist

And here we are at the end of a WILD cosmic year. This is the last full week of 2020! And now we’re on the darkest night with one of the most powerful astrological transits. This night is NO joke - and it is so potent to harness this energy.

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One of My Most Powerful Body Magic Rituals For YOU!

Let’s talk about the power of ritual, baby. Ritual does not have to be spiritual - it is simply intentional time to drop in and connect deeply. Ritual helps us be present in our bodies to actually feel things, to actually be in the moment, and to meet what comes up with presence.

When you enter this state or ritual or trance, you become totally surrendered to sensation. It is liberating, it is freeing, and it is so deeply healing.

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Ani Ferlise
A Broken Hearted Bitter Bitch Ritual + Playlist

When I say every version of you is sacred - I mean it. Even the messy, broken hearted, bitter bitch. Ahhhh yes, I’ve known her well. Unmonitored, she’s nasty, condescending, and on a total ego power trip. But every part of you has a shadow side and a shiny side.

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Ani Ferlise
Sex Magic Ritual to Nourish and Support Yourself

Breathe deep into your bones. Into your belly. Into your root. Do you feel that? There is magic afoot. And it delights in your pleasure, and is magnified by your sexuality. This is the practice of sex magic — the experience of finding the divine in your body, inside of yourself, instead of a force that is up and far away from you.

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Resources For Dismantling White Supremacy

I talk a lot about how to nurture and care for yourself, and how to show up in the world with strength. Now, we are being called to put our practices to use. To stand up, show up, and speak out. And it can be difficult to know where to start. In this newsletter, you will find resources on how to dismantle racism and white supremacy in held, contained spaces, run by BIPOC. I also attached a sex magic ritual by me to nourish your nervous system and resource from pleasure and the Earth to continue to do this work.

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Ani Ferlise

So much of the time, we numb out and disconnect to not feel— scrolling mindlessly through the discovery page on Instagram, taking on more and more work, over giving in relationships, binge-watching Netflix, or sometimes just staring off into space.

But what if I told you there’s another way we disconnect, and this one is much more sneaky.

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