Sex Magic Ritual to Nourish and Support Yourself


Breathe deep into your bones. Into your belly. Into your root. Do you feel that? There is magic afoot. And it delights in your pleasure, and is magnified by your sexuality. This is the practice of sex magic — the experience of finding the divine in your body, inside of yourself, instead of a force that is up and far away from you. To use your turn on to connect and nourish yourself in ways that you may never have experienced before. Because the way you connect with yourself, is the way you connect with every single thing in life, including life itself. 

Sex magic can help create vibrancy and aliveness in your day to day, and bring a sacred sensual ritual that accessible anytime you need it. And in this particular sex magic ritual, you can create a container for you to experience the support you desire in order to thrive. Are you ready? Let’s get sexy and magical! 

Step One:

Create your sacred space, and let it feel magical, safe, sexy, and cozy. 

Step Two:

What is your deepest need that will support you to thrive right now? Maybe it is safety, or love, or belonging, or respect, or something else. Choose a supportive energy that will be the most nourishing to you in your life right now. 

Step Three: 

Get cozy, lay down, and begin self-pleasuring. In this experience, you're going to let go of any fantasies, any try and relax your body as much as possible, and focus on this nourishing supportive energy of your choice, and the sensations that are happening in your body. This can lead to a whole new, incredibly intimate way of connecting to yourself. 

So say you chose love. What does love actually feel like in your body? What sensations let you know that you are feeling love? What lets you know you are feeling love in your body?

Get in tune with what this supportive energy feels like sensationally — is it warm? Tingly? Expansive? Bubbly? Notice where you feel it and what is alive there. Breathe into this space as you continue to self-pleasure.

Step Four:

Be with this supportive state, feeling into that felt sense of your supportive energy, anchoring it into your system as you self pleasure, fully opening yourself up to this embodied state. Make love to it! Make love to love, to safety, to belonging, to confidence! 

Step Five:

As you’re self pleasuring, whisper out loud to yourself, “I am safe, I am safe, I am safe.” or “I am loved, I am loved, I am loved” — whatever your supportive energy is, still feeling it in your body, even if it is still just a whisper inside of you. 

Step Six

Now, turn up the volume on that sensation. Play around with yourself (literally and metaphorically) and see how much you can feel this experience inside of your body. Allow yourself to fully embody the experience of feeling the safety, love, or any supportive energy you call on. 

Step Seven

Allow yourself to integrate this experience. 

You can do this ritual whenever you so desire to really help to anchor these supportive experiences into your body. And remember, this is a practice, and it builds over time. The body is sacred for so many reasons — one of which is that it helps you to not just believe in things, but to feel them. Feel into yourself, your magic, your pleasure, your power, and your support. You are always held by the vehicle that loves and sustains you. Honor thyself always.