How to Feel Alive Right Now

What if I told you the things we’ve been trained to turn off, shame, and hate are the exact things that make being human fucking worth it?

In my experience of leading hundreds of people through rituals and healing work to help guide them back home to their truest essence is that there are 6 keys to aliveness are the portals to your power, truth, radiance, and joy.

I have found that connection with these six aspects of life, the things we are taught in our society are shameful, in the way, or are completely convoluted by conditioning, are the exact things that propel us deep into our magic - our radiance, our power, our potency, and our raw, authentic selves. In a world that wants you to be it's very limiting definition of "powerful" and "successful" - I say do the most radical move of all, and just simply become. Unfold. Take Shape. And make magic from that space - whatever that means to you.

When you are tuned into these keys, you become tuned into your deepest desires, which lead you to your deepest truth, and ultimately your most fulfilling life. This is when you stop trying to find worthiness through achievement. This is when you can *actually* feel your own intuition, guidance, and connection.

This is when you magnetize what it is that actually fuels you and fills you up, rather than try endless things you *think* would do the trick and end up more depleted and burned out before.

When you start to rewrite the conditioning that was fed to you and come into who you truly are, life becomes a living prayer.

The Six Keys

1.Your body

What you've been taught:
Your body is shameful or a walking medical mishap waiting to happen and you have to keep it as small as possible in order to be digestible. It is a sign of your fall from grace and it is dirty - you must cleanse it all of the time.

The truth:
Your body is what connects you to  nature, to pleasure, to every experience that makes being human divine. It  is an oracular, divinatory tool that is here to aid in your experience, not ruin it. Your body is powerful, sacred, divine, and magic. And spirituality lives inside of you, not above you and far away.

2. Your Emotions
What you've been taught:
Your emotions are things that get in the way of your productivity. You must turn every difficult emotion into happiness. If you experience a difficult emotion, you have failed and you must immediately change it or you will attract bad things / have a bad attitude/ wasting your life. Emotions aren't safe. 

The truth:
our emotions are your superpowers. Each emotion is a goddess that comes to greet you - carrying an important message that aids you on your journey. It is safe and celebrated to feel every single emotion and express it in a healthy way. Emotions are worth honoring and each part of you that feels them is sacred

3. Your Sexuality
What you've been taught:
Your sexuality is dangerous and shameful and will get you into big trouble either on this earthly plane or by the Big Man upstairs. Sex is a transactional experience and something that takes away your purity or worthiness.

The truth:
Sex is actually what created this world- it is the energy of creation. You are literally carrying this cauldron of creation inside of your bones at every. single. moment. And when you consciously commune with your sexuality, you connect with your life force energy. You come alive. You can feel more pleasure. present. And you can show up on this Earth more wild, weird, alive, potent, magic. 

4. Shadow Integration
What you've been taught:
If you don’t look at the parts you don’t like, they don’t exist and no one will ever know, and they can’t hurt anyone or ourselves. The Shadow parts of you are shameful, unworthy of love, and are to be conquered, killed off, and burned away. 

The truth:
Every. Single. Part. Of. You. Is. Worthy. Of. Love. Your shadow is the parts of you that have been shoved away in the subconscious because at some point, you got the messaging that these parts were unsafe, unlovable, or wouldn't belong. The more you don't look at them, the more they secretly run the show. Healing happens when you meet these parts with compassion and love

5. Your Purpose
What you've been taught:
Your purpose and mission have to be rooted in either parenthood or your job. If you do not have "high achievements" in the material world, you are not fulfilling your purpose. 

The truth:
Your purpose unfolds every single day, in every moment, and it is rooted in how you are showing up in the world. Your legacy is in how you are showing up in your relationships, your connections, how you walk into a coffee shop, even how you hold someone's gaze. It is in your everyday, not in what you achieve or "fail" at.

6. Your Spirituality
What you've been taught:
Everything from religion to spirituality is either shamed or made fun of, or seen as illogical or cringey. Spirituality is something that is up and out, and far away and separate from you. Your humanity is the opposite of spiritual. To be spiritual, you have to be a very specific stereotypical way. You need to hire or turn to someone else to connect with your guides/ North Star.

The truth:
Everything you do and are is inherently spiritual. That which you answer to is unique to you - whether it's God, Goddess, an ancestor, guide, Love, Truth, or your highest self. You don't have to "be" anything to be spiritual, and your relationship to that which you answer to is unique as your fingerprints. You don't need a middleman, you can trust your own connection and intuition. When you are being yourself, you are most connected - whatever that looks like for you.