Meet Yourself With Magic - Morning Journal Prompts!


Welcome to your NEW morning ritual.

It’s time, my love. It’s time to meet yourself with some magic every single morning.

THIS is how you become your own greatest lover, healer, and friend.

Journaling has been the most unexpected way I find the depths of myself and God/dess. I had a very real habit of using my loved ones as soundboards (which is important... sometimes, being the key word here). I started to lose sight of my own council. I started seeking out readers of all kinds to hear some version of truth. When you're in the dark, seeking truth from others can be SO seductive. And while perspective is important, I forgot to seek out the most important truth... my own! Does this sound familiar? 


So I want to offer something to you. This is something I have only saved for the brave and beautiful souls who have joined my 1:1 coaching program, Initiation Into Aliveness. Morning journal prompts!! 


Use these journal prompts to drop into your essence. Never underestimate the power of meeting yourself with magic and curiosity in the morning. The first section is just a brain dump - and even then, you'll be so surprised on what comes out when you let yourself flow without expectation. 


There's magic afoot, my love, and it's inside of you.