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 Messy Bitch Media


For finding MAGIC in the MESS


messy bitch magic Book

Read my memoir of homecoming, healing, finding the magic in the mundane, & the sacred in the profane

Messy Bitch Magic Podcast

Listen to to the epic tales and sage wisdom of the everyday mystics in the Messy Bitch Magic Podcast!

The Messy Bitch Blog

Check out the blog where I'm dishing all the stories and messy musings.


So… what does it mean to be a

Messy Bitch?


The path of the Messy Bitch is
an initiation into the deepest magic.

Where we feel everything more deeply and don’t cruise through life on autopilot, where we live more fully and accept ourselves unconditionally, and we can truly love and connect with our whole being - even when it’s scary to. It will bring you to a place where there is no longer anything to hide and there is nothing you’re afraid to feel. To a place where you will know your power.

Because let me tell you, no matter how “spiritual” or conscious you try to become, your inner Messy Bitch has always been the wisest sage within you. They will always have their say, because you know they will yell to be heard. They will always have exactly the right lesson for you at exactly the right moment, even if it’s the most embarrassing and inconvenient one. And we know, the more you deny them, the more they will come bangin’ on your door when they’re ready to come out and play.

We live in the photoshop generation - a time where everyone is putting their best foot forward on social media, and if we’re being real, in person, too. We are inundated with success stories, my-life-is-so-great-now stories, and even the “vulnerable shares” on social media still don’t even scratch the surface of what it means to be deep in the mess most of the time. So when you, in all your messy glory, claim where you’re at and let it break you open in the ways only the mess can - THAT is power. Being a mystic doesn’t have to look like wearing all white and doing yoga all day. And it also doesn’t have to look like rubbing mud all over your face and evoking the wild, primal earth goddess within. Sometimes, it looks like crying on a friend’s lap after you had a moment where you truly believed you were nothing. Or screaming into a pillow and ripping up a tissue box after feeling that very specific kind of rage that comes with not being heard or understood yet again, and not knowing how to make it better.

In a world that is constantly trying to shame us into perfection, being a Messy Bitch is about embracing the fuckups and making love to life, even as it goes up in flames; it’s about getting to know every part of you intimately and deeply, and acknowledging the parts that seem like they are trying to fuck you up and make you seem like the worst person on the planet; it’s about redefining spirituality on your own messy terms, and seeing it in everything. The Taco Bell take-out because you’re too lazy to cook; the belly laughs to relatable TikToks when you thought you were the only one to be that way; The times you wished so desperately to say what you really felt, and all the time you wish you’d never said anything at all.

Being a Messy Bitch is not limited to a certain style or stereotype; it’s about you being you, yes YOU, the magical, spiritual, divine being that you innately are.
And living life with all you got.

Messy Bitches know how to make love to life
(even while they are getting fucked by it.)

Because they experience life like good sex…

It’s never clean, pristine, and by the books. It’s not logical or something you can be good at, or figure out. 

It’s raw, real, and something to be experienced with all you got. 

And…only then will it be the best fuck you’ve ever had. 

In fact, This is a sacred space for ALL of the holy fucks:
The fuck ups
The fuck this
The fuck yes
The fuck that
The fuck no
The fuck me
The fuck you
The what the fucks

They see the magic in the mundane, the holy in the profane, and come for it ALL.


Some of this stuff can be helpful, sure, if you take it with a pinch of salt and tweak it to apply to your ACTUAL real life, the one where you never have time to meditate, you always have food in your teeth, and that feeling of shame is because you're pretty sure YOU'RE the toxic narcissist sometimes. But what is not helpful, is using these tools to try not to feel, to beat yourself up when the tools just don’t work, or to try and gloss over or shove away the parts of you that society doesn’t deem acceptable.

There’s nothing actually wrong with feeling guilt or shame; there’s as much magic in these Messy Bitch feelings as there is in bliss, joy, and comfort. All of our emotions are portals to our soul’s expression - AKA way of living life with everything we got, with our full chest and hearts and sinking our teeth into every experience. And the more we evade the icky ones, the feelings that are deemed “low-vibration”, the deeper they get wedged inside of us, like an annoying song that’s constantly playing in the back of your head. For those of us who have ventured deep into the mess, we know that when left unchecked, unloved, the versions of ourselves that feel the most shitty and fucked up can do some pretty reckless, wild, mean, petty, nasty, vindictive, self-sabotaging stuff.

But guess what? Every single piece and part of you has a shiny side and a shadow side. And like everything else in existence, the part with the deepest shadows actually projects the brightest light. There is BIG magic in the mess, and the more you try and shove away the parts of you that you’re afraid people won’t love and pretend they are not there, the more feral and rebellious and destructive they become.


Messy Bitches are the modern-day
mystics & spiritual misfits

This space is for the Spiritual Misfits - for the ones who don’t see themselves in the sensual sex priestess, or the wellness yoga stereotype, or the earth goddess, or the 5D, galactic, tripped-out New Age seeker. Not because any of these spiritual stereotypes are weird or wrong, but because it just was never my path, and I couldn’t find anyone else who was devoted to spirituality and not claiming one of those roles. Trust me, I’ve tried them all. And with each organic cotton monochrome outfit, I felt myself growing further away from myself, but thought I was growing up. Here’s the thing, when we are living in a way that isn’t genuinely authentic to us, it takes away from the real magic - self-love, acceptance, and a rock solid relationship with the Divine. As it turns out, I am a devotee to life itself. My daily life, big emotions, relationships, are my church, and it’s the same for every other Messy Bitch I’ve met.

“Spirituality” is not limited to the stereotypes we see on Instagram and in the pages of the ancient texts. You don’t have to change or fix a single thing about yourself to know God. And guess what? Even the yogi-goddess-priestess-seekers have an inner Messy Bitch. The Messy Bitch simply has a bad rap of not being the most trustworthy, powerful, or, *ahem* marketable on Instagram. I, for one, have seen many people boasting about their amazingly decorated altars, mind-blowing yoga poses and trips around the world to spiritual meccas (which, honestly, I love to see them all). But, I haven’t seen many people showcasing the moments where they are falling apart, or the rebuilding process that might seem boring or irrelevant to the spiritual path, like the one time you decided to not be a total dick to your mom when you really wanted to.

Even at your rock bottom, or at your totally mundane, it’s ALL a spiritual experience.