A Winter Solstice Guided Ritual + Playlist


Hi My Love,

And here we are at the end of a WILD cosmic year. This is the last full week of 2020! And now we’re on the darkest night with one of the most powerful astrological transits. This night is NO joke - and it is so potent to harness this energy.

What would it look like for you to be the ruler of this darkness? The Queen, King, or Non-binary Royalty of Winter? To fully embrace this cosmic unknown, to let the dark nourish, sustain, and hold you?

What would it look like to be like a seed, and use this time to deepen, to lean in, to trust? Well, I am here to help guide you to that space. That powerful liminal space of deep surrender, attachment, and power.

I made this ritual for my clients this week and we have been blossoming into this energy - and now I want to share it with you!!

This time is all about release - releasing attachments, outcomes, the past, regrets, and anything that needs to go, and we embrace the deep yin energy of stillness, deepening, ripening in our power in order to expand beyond the wildest imagining and still be steady, strong, and grounded.

This ritual will allow you to shed, claim, surrender, and empower yourself. It will guide you to feel what needs to be felt, release it, and celebrate the life you have lived. Get ready - this is one powerful initiation.

Here’s the playlist you can play along with the ritual:


Here’s the guided ritual: