A Broken Hearted Bitter Bitch Ritual + Playlist


When I say every version of you is sacred - I mean it. Even the messy, broken hearted, bitter bitch. Ahhhh yes, I’ve known her well. Unmonitored, she’s nasty, condescending, and on a total ego power trip. But every part of you has a shadow side and a shiny side. 

And trust me, this part of you has an ULTIMATE shiny side. They know how to feel, how to come alive. They know that when life seems to take everything away there’s this sometimes subtle but perfectly potent power that is there.

Because this version of you - they know destruction intimately. They are existing in it. they know the big feels and the big deals and they somehow manage to pull themselves together enough to go to work. And they also know how to have a good break down on the lunch break, and eat a bowl of spaghetti in the bathtub, and be with someone who knows that kind of destruction and brokenness too. 

Yes, your broken heart is your superpower. It might feel like right now you’re powerless against it, but I invite you to not be at war with it. What if you and this brokenness connected? What if you merged with the exact part of you that you want to run from? What kind of power lies there? 

Cue in the playlist. 

I created this to help you fully embody this piece of you, the one who needs to have their voice heard. In a world where we don’t get paid time off to fall apart, where our emotions are seen as nuisances or wrong, or that we always have to be our “highest self” - I invite you to sink down deep inside yourself.

I speak a lot of our cultures obsession with ascension and being out of the body as a spiritual experience. Sometimes our obsession with being “higher” and our “higher self” is really just another way to avoid feeling and suppressing different parts of yourself. If each and every part of you holds magic, when you suppress them, you end up also shoving down your magic. And let me tell you, the broken hearted honey inside of you needs to come along on the ride - they know how to say yes. They know how to not give a fuck. They know how to find light in the dark. You need their magic - big time.

So give this part of you some space! This is why I teach ritual - intentional time to connect. And this is a ritual with the bitter messy bitch. Because they are fucking sacred. 

I invite you to just let yourself move and dance to this playlist. It starts off angry, and in that space I invite you to shake your body out to Alanis, scream into a pillow with Courtney Love screaming with you! Then it moves into sad, and I invite you to cry, go to the floor, feel sorry and sad and broken and move it through your body. And then it goes into celebratory songs, and I invite you to tune into the aliveness in even the deepest, hardest shit with Cher, Gaga, and more. 

Let that move through you too.

And all the while know that this is your homecoming. 

Because I have found that when life strips things away, parts of you come running home. 

I have a video here that goes into the magic of a broken heart for more info about why this is such a powerful homecoming. You can watch that here.

Happy rebirth, love. 

Heres your playlist. Know I’m always dancing with you.

Big love,


Ani Ferlise